JobAffairs is a business trading under the name Sprint Technologies Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with whose registered office is at 45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia, London, England, W1T 6EB, United Kingdom. All references to “JobAffairs”, “us” or “we” throughout this statement is to the business in the Sprint Technologies who you are dealing with.**What information we hold about you**We collect personal information whenever you provide it to us. This personal information may include the following: name, postal address and contact details; your academic history including qualifications; payment details; technical and analytical information obtained through cookies; other information you provide to us; and We may also obtain information from third parties such as credit reference agencies**Who we may share your information with**We may disclose your personal information to: our franchise partners; our agents and service providers; our infrastructure providers; a third party who acquires our business; examination boards; the appropriate business within Sprint Technologies; Sprint Technologies law enforcement and regulatory agencies in connection with any investigation to help prevent unlawful activity or as otherwise required by law; and sponsors who have funded studies regarding results and attendance only.**Contact Us**To contact us please use the following details: 📍Sprint Technologies Ltd, 45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia, London, England, W1T 6EB 📧Email:
[email protected]